Monday, August 25, 2008

Home Depot Marketing Genius

Last Sunday we took the boys to the zoo in Topeka.  It was a perfect day for seeing the animals and playing in the park across the street.  Afterwards we headed down Wanamaker in search of a place to eat.  From the back seat Eli yells, "Mom, look a Home Depot."  My response was "Yes, what about Home Depot?"  Eli continues, "Welcome to Home Depot where you can find a tool for every project." This kid always amazes me with his memory.

Papa Joe and Grandma Works have a toy tool box that they bought at Home Depot, and it has a couple buttons.  Most buttons make tool noises, but one plays a short plug for Home Depot.  That plug is what Eli absorbed.  Just goes to show how pervasive (and invasive?) marketing messages are to our kids.

Kinda evil, but cute.