Friday, February 20, 2009

Nurse Elias

Sorry we haven't posted for a long time, but we've been busy trying to get over illness after illness.  This past week Avery has been pretty sick, which has required mom to stay home with open arms for lots of snuggling....I loved it, but didn't like him being so sick.  

I have posted some pictures of Elias taking care of his brother.  Avery was very reluctant to have mom take his temperature or listen to his chest until Elias let me use him as a "model".  Avery still wouldn't let me, but instead let big brother do it.  It was so cute how patient and gentle Eli was with Avery, wonderful bedside manners!!!  Currently, Eli loves anything that has to do with the human body and spends hours looking over his human body books he got for Christmas... we may have a future nurse or doctor on our hands!

Eli and Avery posing for the camera.

Avery letting Eli take his temperature.