Friday, April 15, 2011

Eli's First Soccer Game

Eli had his first soccer game last weekend. He loved playing and did a great job. His team won and he scored two points.

Eli on the far left getting ready to start the game.
Eli playing goalie.
Eli (3rd from the right) getting ready kick the ball and get the game started.

Owen 2 month old pics

At 2 months Owen you are full of smiles, especially when your big brothers are around. You continue to do well sleeping most of the night, getting up once or twice. You are learning how to put yourself to sleep at night. During the day you are a "cat-napper" seldom staying up for more than 2 hours at a time. Now that you have been on your reflux medicine for a month you seem much more content with fewer fussy spells. Now that the weather is a little nicer outside you have gone on several walks and end up falling asleep within minutes of starting. You are a good traveler and usually fall asleep in the car. We all love you very much and couldn't imagine life without you!