We had a wonderful christmas this year. We spent Christmas Eve with the extended Works family @ Grandma & Papa Joe's and did our traditional oyster soup & snacks, sang carols, and ended the night with the kids listening Papa Joe read "The Night Before Christmas"--good memories.

On Christmas morning we opened gifts at home with the boys, then headed to Gma and Papa Joe's for the Joe Works family Christmas. We spent the afternoon there while the kids played, the adults sorted through old family pics. The adult kids got Joe and Janie a gift of archiving their old pics to digital format.

Late afternoon we went to Great Grandmom Works's house for the extended Works Christmas. We watched the younger kids open their gifts and had dinner with one another. Eli enjoyed playing with his boy cousin Evan who is just a few months older, they spent most of the time playing Star Wars and Batman. He keeps asking us if we can go visit Evan, they were so cute together!

The day after Christmas we went to Ottawa and visited Great Grandma Wollen and had lunch at Sirloin Stockade with the family. By that time the boys were ready to be home for a while so they could play with all their new toys. It was nice to just stay home for a few days and let them play while we played on our new toys-Apple Touches (we each got one another Touches for Christmas). Lately, they have been playing so well together, but don't get me wrong they have their moments...but don't we all.
On Sunday, we had our Vantuyl Christmas in Marion. We decided to leave a day early so we could spend some time at Gma O'Dell's and were glad we did because we all had a great time.

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